Who were the Shakespeares and the Ardens, and what was each family's place in local society?

The Shakespeares were the family from William Shakespeare’s father called John Shakespeare. Hi was a prominent and prosperous alderman in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon, and was later granted a coat of arms by the College of Heralds.
The Ardens were the family from William Shakespeare’s mother called Mary Arden.
She inherited her father's farm and land when he died. The Ardens were a prominent Warwickshire family.
The two families have a good place in local society.

Who was Marlowe?Which kind of relationship did he have with Shake.?How did he die?What might have been suspicious circumstances surrounding his deart?

Christopher Marlowe was an English dramatist and poet. He was probably the greatest English dramatist before Shakespeare and most authorities detect influences of his work in Shakespeare’s.
Marlowe died in a barroom brawl by a drinking companion.
A coroner's jury certified that the assailant acted in self-defense, the murder may have resulted from a definite plot, due, as some scholars believes, to Marlowe's activities as a government agent.

How many sonnets did Shakespeare write? Who is believed to be the "Dark Lady" of the sonnets?

Shakespeare did write 154 sonnets. In someone of them he speak about the "Dark Lady". Some scholars believe that she could be one of three historical women: Mary Fitton, a lady in waiting to Queen Elizabeth; Lucy Morgan, a brothel owner and former maid to Queen Elizabeth; and Emilia Lanier, the mistress of Lord Hunsdon, patron of the arts. Some also consider William Davenant's mother to be the Dark Lady.

Who were the Puritans? What were some of their beliefs? What did they think of the theatre and the actors in Shakespeare's time?

The Puritans were radical Protestants. They were extraordinarily devout, dedicated to doing away with the pomp and ceremony of the Roman Catholic Church.
They believed that worship should be simple and regular and that most forms of luxury and pleasure were inherently sinful and should be avoided at all costs.
They hate the actors and owl the theatre because they were forms of entertainment. They think that they served as a graphic illustration of the moral decline of the country. Many Puritans called for a complete ban on such activities.

Comment on the main differences between the play and its film version.

THE FANCY DRESS PARTY: Are the costumes the characters wear in the party relevant? What do they represent? Relate the knightly amour to chivalric love

The costumes are very relevant. Each person leaves a costume like his character.

Romeo: a knightly because he’s bold

Juliet: an angel because she’s brave and lovely

Lord Capulet: a Kaiser because he likes that everyone does what he says

Lady Capulet: Cleopatra because she’s very lordly

Tybalt: an Astronaut because he think that he is special

Benvolio: a devil because he’s dangerous

Mercutio: a woman because he’s crazy

Knights are strong and fight for that was he like and love. The chivalric love fight for this person who he love.
